Friday, May 25, 2007

People these days rant #1 Annoying text stuff people do

welcome to Wolfie's rant! yay! Get use to these because I plan to rant more. After all,there is enough to rant about these days.I must say this before i start. These a entirely MY opinions and i don't mean to insult anyone. I don't mind people disagreeing with me, but if you are here to make a flamewar, i suggest you leave. I could care less that you are not mature enough to stand that people have different opinion than you and i don't have the patience for it so keep you caps lock off and pretend that we are mature, ok.let the rant begin!

Annoying thing #1:chatspeak

one thing that really bothers me is chatspeak. Simple stuff like u instead of you is fine, but stuff like ."Ty 4 2 lik nothin cuz lik u suk & lik i kool!!!!1111111" In fact i seen worse than that. I got to the point where i didn't understand what they are saying. I my opinion, chatspeak is just a way to show how lazy you are. If people see you where you cant even bother to put three letters, they will probably think your a slacker, thus don't really think that you are reliable. Would you put that talk on anything besides the internet? No i don't think so. Just because you are typing to people doesn't mean that you should slack off. They are real people too.

Annoying thing #2: Caps lock and sticky tabs:

Caps lock is usually for making a point. However people think that they are so cool and completely cap lock everything. For one thing, it is annoying and hurts people eyes. Two the whole point of caps locking is lost. It like highlighting all of your notes for a test. Why did you even bother. Three, it looks like you are yelling, which can make people really mad at you. So why even bother?However i find sticky tabs even more annoying. Sticky tabs is like this StIcKy TaBs. All i see it as is a waste of time and yet another way for people to get annoyed with you. It takes longer to read, and some people wont even bother. I consider sticky tabs spam. They are certainly annoying as spam and if i took the time to actually read it, most of the time it is spam done by a dweeb trying to look cool

Annoying text #3: marquee

I think this will be the one where most people will disagree with me. Personally, i don't even know why people even bother with it. Since it is moving, i have to read it fast and read it several times to make sure i read everything. Also you must wait for the message to begin again because there is no point to read it at the middle of the message. Also some people think its cool to have a whole list on the same marquee. Well its not. By the time you read the top the bottom has already past so you have to wait for it to come back about ten times to read it all. Also i seen some sites that have links on marquee. Sure you have little bit more space but it is extremely annoying. If i wanted to click on a link, i would have to wait for it to come all the way back so i can click on it. If i can catch it that is. Wolfie doesn't have the best reflexes you know. What worse is when some people think they are so cool and make the message superfast so that no one can read it. Well guess what? Its not funny and it hurts the eyes even attempting the read it. If you must have marquee, i suggest the lowest speed possible so that people can actually read it (and i know that proboards only let you have one speed, for other sites i meant)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

May the fourth be with you

well, i lied , it is actually the 12, so may the 12th be with you, but it doesn't sound as cool. My two week has been busy, so lets take a step back and time to a land called late april and early may
-April 28th or so= This is saturday by the way. This is the day that I went to work at Island Ink Jet. I was partnered up with my sister's friend and we managed to spill pop on the floor in the first five minutes! The stain is still there apperently. All well, we attepted to clean it up. Other that that it was ok. At least I didn't count paper :P That would suck because you have to count the loose paper one by one and there is about an avarage of 200 or so. What job did i have to do you ask? I did stock counting. This is where you look at the code number at the back of the product and write how many there is. Its a tedious job but still it was pretty fun. I got pizza for lunch. I forget what kind. To top it off, i got money! yay money! Then i pretty much spent the same amount getting my hair streaked blonde. As well as that i got the underneath black. I think it looks pretty cool. As well as that I got my ears peirce as well. Perhaps I will actually keep them in this time....well we will see.

-April 29- well nothing happened till Friday when...
-May 4th- yay it my birthday! Unfourtually i got sick! *cry* so i had to stay home. There was a rainstorm today too. It lasted all day. We usually dont get thast kind of rainstorm. However i got a mic. Yay! I also got my warriors twilight and sunset. Yay! I also got flowers, stickers, artemis fowl the first book, those wind things, and a whole bunch of stuff like that! yay! I also got a wii controller, but my family thought it was funny in saying that perhaps we got it and perhaps not but here is a controller incase we ever get one. *sigh*
For cake i got a white icing cake with the top half white and the bottem was suppose to be marble! all well . I got candles this year. My sister even got one the dsings happy b-day!

-the tuesday after that
- too lazy to figure out the date. One of my friend baked me a cake! was good. Itwas chocolate! Also a lot of people signed a card for me...i felt so special. I also found out i got a wii! yay. Earier that day they gave me the box and said that it was all that they could get, then later i found out that it was lies! still having the wii is cool. There is one game and it is called rayman raving rabbits and that game is awsome! I will discuss the details later but here is a pic of the bunnies (its at the top of the post)

saturday may 12th- and that leaves us to tday that all see ya