Monday, March 19, 2007

book reveiw for.....Firewing! da da da daaaa

Yep I'm doing a reveiw for firewing

i thought the book was pretty good. It is basically about this bat named griffin that worries about everything from being eaten by a fish to havig all the catipillars eat the forest and he was trying to steal fire. However he dropped the stick on his friend Luna and set her on fire and she died from the injuries. Griffin, depressed went to hide under a tree root when a earthquake occered a plunged him into the underworld (also known as the land of the dead*plays beetoveen in the background...the evil sounding one) Meanwhile his father Shade (oh no, not another father son thing!) that was at stone hold for the summer returned to where Grifin and his mother lives for the summer (tree haven) However when he arrives he find out that Griffin is missing (ha ha sucker) So he goes to the underworld and tries to find his son. However there is many dangers ahead in the land of the dead

I think this book is really good. I like the names of the characters. Some characters such as Nocturna, Goth, Shade and Griffin has really cool names However, in this series it is hard to tell what book in the series it is. I didn't find out until i read the whole book that it was the third in the series. Well i know that it was either the first or the lastest one, because on the back it said from one of the prises something about a good sequel and yet on the Other books in the series thing it had firewing on the top! Talk about really dumb! My sister later got me the first two books in the series (which i haven't read yet) and silverwing (the first book apprently ) had on the cover "from the creator of sunwing and on sunwing it says "From the creator of Silverwing" Choose one or the other! It make our lives that much easier.

Other than that this book i really good and i suggest that have a look at it. To make things easier here is the sequence of the books
remember that and you will be safe. 'Till later then

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